Learning to Draw at Age Thirty-One

In this video I tell the story of how I decided to become my own illustrator!

To quote my last blog post

At the dawn of 2024, I decided to start drawing (somewhat) regularly. For many Moons I simply messed about in my sketchbook, and the only intention was to enjoy a creative act.

However, by the last quarter of the Solar cycle, my childhood dream of being my own illustrator had resurfaced—and I have been drawing concept art for The Sun and Moon Saga ever since!

I hope you find inspiration in my story and take up some new creative pursuit. Let’s normalise learning new skills in adulthood; life doesn’t end at age twenty-five.


MD Luna

Explore New-Camelot

Happy belated New Year!

At the dawn of 2024, I decided to start drawing (somewhat) regularly. For many Moons I simply messed about in my sketchbook, and the only intention was to enjoy a creative act.

However, by the last quarter of the Solar cycle, my childhood dream of being my own illustrator had resurfaced—and I have been drawing concept art for The Sun and Moon Saga ever since!

I got inspired to match sounds to some of the drawings, and I started making soundscapes. I listen to a variety of soundscapes when I’m reading and writing, and I thought it would be cool to create soundscapes for New-Camelot…

Enjoy exploring New-Camelot!


MD Luna

Writing Vlog: Hustle Culture Broke Me

I have made a return to vlogging, which is nice because I really do enjoy rambling to the camera, from time to time.

Over the course of these last two Moons—the Hunter’s Moon and the Frost Moon—I have been going through a lot of internal changes. 2024 has been a very creatively fulfilling year, seeing as I did publish both I: The Misfit Princess and II: The Rebel Coven. But it has also been a hectic year. Honestly, the pace I have worked at has not been a sustainable one. The burnout I was up against forced me to introspect more deeply, and ask myself what it is I truly want to focus on, what it is I truly want to create.

I discuss what this means for my art in this writing vlog…

Going forward there will be more vlogs, but at a pace I feel is healthy, both for myself and for my art.


MD Luna