Crocky-the-Crocodile and His Crocodile Smile

There is a Crocodile named Crocky.  Crocky-the-Crocodile is his official title.  Now, speaking ‘factually’, crocodiles do not live on Vancouver Island, or anywhere in Canada for that matter.  (This is aside from the crocodiles held captive in zoos, which is a horrid thing and ought to be made illegal!)

All that said, Crocky-the-Crocodile does live on Vancouver Island, in the swamp just north of my cottage.  If you don’t believe me, why not embark on an expedition and see for yourself?  I have given you the precise coordinates: the swamp north of my cottage.  And if you don’t already know where my cottage is—well, then you never will know—for I am never going to tell someone who needs to ask.

Now, where was I?  Ah, yes… Crocky-the-Crocodile often strolls over from his swamp to my cottage, to join me for tea.  The forest animals are familiar with him now, but this certainly was not always the case.  As I’ve said, Crocky is the only crocodile in all of not just Canada, but North America. 

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